Tailwind Tips & Tricks

The following tutorial will get you up and running with Tailwind CSS, empowering you to build a beautiful, responsive, and animated websites quickly. We will build a side navigation menu inspired by Discord.


Install the Tailwind VS Code extension

Install the Tailwind VS Code extension.

Use a JS Framework

Feel free to use the JS framework of your choice. This tutorial uses Create React App.

Discord-Inspired Icon Navbar

Make the App a Flexible Container

Create a flexbox row by simply adding the flex utility to the parent element.

file_type_js App.js
function App() {
  return (
    <div className="flex">

Position the Sidebar

Combine Tailwind utility classes to position the sidebar. When hovering over each class in VS Code, it will display its true CSS values.

file_type_js SideBar.js
const SideBar = () => {
  return (
    <div className="fixed top-0 left-0 h-screen w-16 m-0
                    flex flex-col 
                    bg-gray-900 text-white shadow-lg">

Add Icon Buttons

To quickly add an icon button to the navbar, install react-icons.

command line
npm install react-icons
file_type_js SideBar.js
import { BsPlus, BsFillLightningFill } from 'react-icons/bs';
import { FaFire, FaPoo } from 'react-icons/fa';

const SideBar = () => {
  return (
    <div className="...">
      <SideBarIcon icon={<FaFire size="28" />} />
      <SideBarIcon icon={<BsPlus size="32" />} />
      <SideBarIcon icon={<BsFillLightningFill size="20" />} />
      <SideBarIcon icon={<FaPoo size="20" />} />

const SideBarIcon = ({ icon }) => (
  <div className="sidebar-icon group">

Use Apply to Create Custom Classes

The @apply directive allows you to compose custom CSS classes by combining Tailwind classes. It can be useful in situations where extracting a JS component does not make sense.

file_type_css index.css
@layer components {

    .sidebar-icon {
        @apply relative flex items-center justify-center 
               h-12 w-12 mt-2 mb-2 mx-auto shadow-lg
               bg-gray-800 text-green-500
               hover:bg-green-600 hover:text-white
               rounded-3xl hover:rounded-xl
               transition-all duration-300 ease-linear

Animated Tooltips

Create Tooltip Container

Each icon button has a tooltip as a child that is invisible by default.

file_type_js SideBar.js
const SideBarIcon = ({ icon, text = 'tooltip 💡' }) => (
  <div className="sidebar-icon">

    <span class="sidebar-tooltip">{text}</span>
file_type_css index.css
    .sidebar-tooltip {
        @apply absolute w-auto p-2 m-2 min-w-max left-14
        rounded-md shadow-md
        text-white bg-gray-900 
        text-xs font-bold
        transition-all duration-100 scale-0 origin-left;

Animated with Group

Create groups to animate a child when the state of the parent changes.

The tailwind group class does not work within @apply. It must be used inline.

file_type_js SideBar.js
const SideBarIcon = ({ icon, text = 'tooltip 💡' }) => (
  <div className="sidebar-icon group">

    <span class="sidebar-tooltip group-hover:scale-100">{text}</span>

Questions? Let's chat

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