Pocketbase Chat App

In the following tutorial we will build a chat app with Pocketbase and Svelte. Pocketbase is a backend (inspired by Firebase) structured as a single executable file. It provides a realtime DB based on SQLite and user authentication system that allows us to quickly prototype and deploy a chat app.

Pocketbase Setup

Serve it Locally

First, download pocketbase then run the executable locally with ./pocketbase serve. You should have access to an admin dashboard that looks like this:

Pocketbase dashboard

Pocketbase dashboard

Data Model

Our chat app will have two collections: users and messages.

The messages collection will store the messages sent by users. Most importantly, it should have a relation field that points to the users collection.

Message belongs to User

Message belongs to User

Frontend App

Create a Svelte App

Create a new svelte app with Vite and select the TypeScript option. Install Pocketbase JS and serve the app.

command line
npm init vite pocketchat

cd pocketchat
npm install
npm install pocketbase

npm run dev

Get the Current User

Put the current user from Pocketbase into a Svelte store.

file_type_typescript lib/pocketbase.ts
import PocketBase from 'pocketbase';
import { writable } from 'svelte/store';

const pb = new PocketBase(''); 

export const currentUser = writable(pb.authStore.model);

pb.authStore.onChange((auth) => {
    console.log('authStore changed', auth);

Sign into the App

Let’s use the username/password authentication strategy.

Create a login form that uses the authWithPassword method. If the user doesn’t exist, create a new user with the create method.

<script lang="ts">
  import { currentUser, pb } from './pocketbase';

  let username: string;
  let password: string;

  async function login() {
    const user = await pb.collection('users').authWithPassword(username, password);

  async function signUp() {
    try {
      const data = {
        passwordConfirm: password,
        name: 'hi mom!',
      const createdUser = await pb.collection('users').create(data);
      await login();
    } catch (err) {

  function signOut() {


{#if $currentUser}
    Signed in as {$currentUser.username} 
    <button on:click={signOut}>Sign Out</button>
  <form on:submit|preventDefault>

    <button on:click={signUp}>Sign Up</button>
    <button on:click={login}>Login</button>

Realtime Chat Messages

  1. When the component mounts, fetch the latest messages.
  2. Setup a realtime listener for new messages and react the actions like create and delete. Make sure to unsubscribe when the component is destroyed.
  3. Create new messages by passing the current user’s ID to the user field.
<script lang="ts">
  import { onMount, onDestroy } from 'svelte';
  import { currentUser, pb } from './pocketbase';

  let newMessage: string;
  let messages = [];
  let unsubscribe: () => void;

  onMount(async () => {
    // Get initial messages
    const resultList = await pb.collection('messages').getList(1, 50, {
      sort: 'created',
      expand: 'user',
    messages = resultList.items;

    // Subscribe to realtime messages
    unsubscribe = await pb
      .subscribe('*', async ({ action, record }) => {
        if (action === 'create') {
          // Fetch associated user
          const user = await pb.collection('users').getOne(record.user);
          record.expand = { user };
          messages = [...messages, record];
        if (action === 'delete') {
          messages = messages.filter((m) => m.id !== record.id);

  // Unsubscribe from realtime messages
  onDestroy(() => {

  async function sendMessage() {
    const data = {
      text: newMessage,
      user: $currentUser.id,
    const createdMessage = await pb.collection('messages').create(data);
    newMessage = '';

<div class="messages">
  {#each messages as message (message.id)}
    <div class="msg">
          Sent by @{message.expand?.user?.username}
        <p class="msg-text">{message.text}</p>

<form on:submit|preventDefault={sendMessage}>
  <input placeholder="Message" type="text" bind:value={newMessage} />
  <button type="submit">Send</button>

Deploying Pocketbase to Linode

Create a Linode

Head over the Linode and create a new server. Because they sponsored this video, you can use a $100 credit to get started.

Linode dashboard

Linode dashboard

Copy Pocketbase to Linode

Copy the pocketbase executable to your server using scp or any other tool of your prefrence.

command line
scp pocketbase root@YOUR-IP:/root/pb

Run Pocketbase with Systemd

You could simply run the pocketbase command in a terminal, but your backend will stop running if the server ever needs to reboot.

A more reliable to run Pocketbase is with a service manager like systemd. You can use the following service file to run Pocketbase automatically on boot

Note: Replace YOUR-DOMAIN with your domain name or IP address. Remove the --https flag if you don’t have a domain name.

Description = pocketbase

Type           = simple
User           = root
Group          = root
LimitNOFILE    = 4096
Restart        = always
RestartSec     = 5s
StandardOutput = append:/root/pb/errors.log
StandardError  = append:/root/pb/errors.log
ExecStart      = /root/pb/pocketbase serve --http="YOUR-DOMAIN:80" --https="YOUR-DOMAIN:443"

WantedBy = multi-user.target

Create this file on your server, then enable and start the service:

command line
systemctl enable pocketbase.service
systemctl start pocketbase

Questions? Let's chat

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